Wood burning stoves are becoming increasingly popular due to the benefits they bring you and your home, but what are their main benefits?
One of the top benefits is that they are good for the environment and save you money, burning wood is a low carbon source of fuel and reduces carbon emissions. Burning wood will save you a significant amount on your energy bills each year especially for homes that are off the gas grid. The initial outlay of a wood-burning stove is a mid-range price tag but they are very cost-effective and will quickly pay for themselves.
Another benefit of wood-burning stoves is their aesthetic appeal, they come in different sizes, styles, and colours and will give your home a rustic homely feel. They will simply make you feel warm and cosy especially on cold, wet and windy days.
Wood burning stoves are also very reliable. In the event of any power cuts your wood-burning stove will not be affected meaning you will still have light and warmth.