Top Six Picks for Wood Burning

Each wood type is unique in how it burns, so it is important to know what woods are the best to use in your wood burning stove. Ideally, you want a long-lasting flame with good heat output.

Six Top Woods:

1. Ash (Fraxinus)- is definitely considered the very best wood for burning as it can even burn when still green. However, you will get the best results when ash is dry, as is true with any other wood.

2. Beech (Fagus)- is another excellent burner but it will not burn when green as it has a much higher moisture content. This wood is pale cream in colour with a pink or brown hue.

3. Hawthorn (Crataegus)- is known for its slow burn rate and good heat output.

4. Rowan (Sorbus)- is similar to hawthorn but can also be known as Mountain Ash.

5. Thorn (Acacia Nilotica)- is a nice option as it produces very little smoke, burns slow and produces a good level of heat.

6. Yew (Taxus Baccata)- is a quite good with its slow burn rate, intense heat and pleasant scent. However, keep away from animals or small children who could attempt to put it in their mouth as it is poisonous, if ingested.